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The Benefits of Pomegranate Seed Oil for the Skin
March 25 2021
With 75% punicic acid, pomegranate seed oil boasts some wonderful skin benefits. It helps to improve elasticity and even skin tone while encouraging skin regeneration. Pomegranate seed oil is also exceptionally high in vitamin E, and contains about 48% of the daily vitamin C, as well as other antioxidants such as anthocyanins, ellagic acid, and tannins.

Raw vs. Refined oil - Is there a Difference When It Comes to Skincare?
January 3 2021
You have probably heard a lot about refined and unrefined oils when it comes to cooking oils; but have you thought about which type of oil is being used in your natural skincare products? For example, if your serum consists of rosehip oil, is it refined or unrefined? Does it even matter?